What's your favorite season? Time and time again, I hear autumn is the choice. Many people love the crisp cool weather, the changing leaves, football games and all the local festivals. These activities begin in September and go through Thanksgiving. Me? I miss summer. I like the heat. The fall rains are not my favorite. However, there are good points to fall. First, it is way better than winter! Second, it's football season. You will find me watching my favortie college and professional teams. Who says you cannot sew buttons on aprons while watching the game? Hmmm, what else? Oh, yes, there are the festivals. Those events having to do with apples are the best -- even as adults our girls love homemade applesauce. We also like to go to the Springfield and Branson, Missouri, areas in the fall. The leaves are beautiful, and the crowds are less. How could I forget the fall foods? I hosted the neighborhood coffee for October, and was so happy to be able to make chai tea scones. There are so many other recipes that go with fall -- pumpkin or spice breads, cinnamon rolls, apple cake, pecan tarts. I could go on and on with fall recipe ideas. Need a recipe? Just ask and I will try to come up with the "just right" one for you!
Autumn -- Yea or Nay?