How many food related sayings can you think of off the top of your head? The likelihood of them being printed on this apron is very good!
The beige color background of the vintage fabric features the sayings in black print. Subtly colored pictures of different foods break up the design. Some of the many sayings are:
Easy As Pie
Lettuce Pray
The Back Burner
Butter Him Up
Egg On Your Face
Fork It Over
In Good Taste
Brain Sturgeon
Taking Candy From A Baby
What A Ham
A rectangular pocket was created from the same fabric (there was not enough fabric to match the design). The fabric is quite heavy and will wear well. The ties are made from cotton webbing and can be brought to the front as shown in the photos.
The apron waist is 33 inches.
The length is 22 inches.
The ties are 49 inches, allowing them to be crossed in the back and brought to the front as shown in the photo.
Please use measurements to determine sizing.
But please contact me if you have any problems with your order.